Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Wake up to Winter

This is what we woke up to on Thursday morning;Because we arrived in the dark we couldn't really see what was around us so when we woke up to all the snow in the morning we were so excited!! It was very early but we had a lot to do, we had to get our ski's fitted, Ski school booked and eat our warm yummy porridge. After making Mama her morning cup of tea we set off to get all our stuff done. Mama took us up on the chairlift to ski school while Mum took Paddy to snow creche. There was quite a blizzard going on up the top at cloud nine so we booked in for ski school then went and had a hot chocolate while we waited for mum to get up and meet us minus Paddy. Paddy had so much fun at snow creche, he did drawings and played with other little snow babies.
We learnt how to snow plough then stop. We got to wear cool helmets but coolest of all we got lightsabers, um sorry stocks to help us go faster...

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